The boys visited with Granny, Gracie, Adell (cousins) and uncle Johnie (we're cool with him) on Saturday. It was supervised (by me) in a public place (Imagination Station...a play place). The visit was really fun. They played like crazy and we did Christmas presents. Granny really does love the boys and wants what is best for them, she just makes some dumb decisions. For example, she gave the boys a framed picture of their biological parents. James opened it and said "a picture". He had no clue who it was. Gracie chimed in "those are your other parents." I gently took the frame and said "let's put it away for later so we don't break it." I was a little peeved, but what can you do...?
So, I talked to the social worker this morning. Today is the court date to change the boys' plan from reunification with bio parents to adoption. The SW told me to NOT get my hopes up, but that bio mom had called her yesterday and told her they were really thinking about just signing the boys over at court today. Granny told bio parents that the boys were happy and loved and it wasn't fair to put the boys through all this mess, and to just give them up. So, IF they actually do it, we will not have to go through the termination of parental rights. That's what takes many months. So instead of adoption them in 6-8 months, it would be more like 1-2 months. Now, even if they do sign them over, they have 7 days to change their mind. I'm trying not to be excited, because honestly, if they got high last night, they may change their mind today.
Keep your fingers crossed!