Monday, June 22, 2009


Holy blueberries, batman!! So, we've moved to our new home. Life has been crazy hectic with packing and moving and unpacking and all that goes with it. The boys love the new house, they each have their own bedroom, a playroom, a big hallway to run up and down. And the back porch is wonderful. Actually, the whole propoerty is great. We have enough blueberry bushes for all of Sanford. Tonight we all went out to one bush that gets full sun and we picked for probably an hour...not a single blueberry made it back to the house. The boys ate them all. They were blue from ear to ear. I'll be making blueberry muffins, pancakes, syrup, anything I can come up with. We also have a huge tree we can eat straight off of, and the boys love those too. We have grape vines out the ying yang...they won't be ready to pick for awhile. And we have several pecan trees. I think we are going to make alot of great memories here!