Wednesday, January 9, 2008


At about 11:30, the Social Worker called and told me they did not sign the papers. Once at social services, they told the SW that they wouldn't sign without the agreement to see the boys. The SW reminded them that they HAD had multiple (like, over 20 at least) opportunities to see the boys, for which they did not show up. The SW also reminded them that social services is not an open adoption agency, and whether they signed the papers or not, their parental rights would be terminated based on their non-compliance. So regarless of whether we adopt the boys, or someone else, they are not going to have visitation. The parents said they were going to the car to confir with granny before deciding anything, and they just never came back.

I called the SW again about 1:30 and they had still not returned. Obviously not going to.

So, it's really not about the visits, it's about them wanting to be in control and saying "I'll show you...we won't sign anything". Whatever. It'll just be 7 months instead of 7 days. Life goes on...

I called granny and she said that the mom came to the car and said she wasn't signing without getting visits, so granny just took her home. Lord knows what alll she told granny.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hang in there Meg & Ken. Things will work out. The boys are certainly worth the wait... Stay positive and remember to appreciate each day as an opportunity to give the boys the love they need and deserve.

See you soon!