Monday, April 7, 2008

The Important Things

The boys often remind me of the important things in life - God, and family. I was running late at work. I usually pick the boys up at daycare around 5:00. They close at 5:45. Today, I rushed in the door at 5:40 and found my boys huddled around one of the workers. I said "Oh my gosh! Are my babies the last three here?" James just looked at me with his mesmerizing eyes and said "I scared." I asked why he was scared and he said "you not come get me." My poor baby thought he was being left...again. It about tore me up. I didn't know it was possible to love like this. Our pastor once told me that God gives us children to give us some understanding of how much He loves us. Knowing that God loves us more than we can humanly love our children, I cannot imagine how much He does love us.

1 comment:

Kelly Miller said...

Poor Jamesy. I'm so glad he has y'all - bc someday you'll be late and he'll be unphased bc he'll know how much he is loved and wanted.