Thursday, June 26, 2008

knot in my stomach

The boys LOVE to swim! We swim at Ken's parents house one or two days a week.
Nathanael, who is totally NOT potty trained, wanted to be like his big bro and pee in the bushes. His arm floaties are almost as big as he is!
Trying to get a shot of Taylor's 5 teeth...but he keeps crawling towards me!

Today was interesting, to say the least. We had gotten a letter from social services saying there was a Permanancy Planning Meeting today. The social worker said we didn't have to come, but it would be a good time to ask questions about the process from here, etc...and they were at the point of setting a court date to have the TPR (termination of parental rights) signed. So, of course we went to the meeting. The SW said the parents had been invited, bt had not shown up to one yet, so told me not to worry about it. When we arrived (this is at the social services in cmberland county - about an hour from us)...the receptionist asked if we were the Mosses. We said yes, and she said the sw worker had been trying to reach us to tell us the parents were there! The sw pulled us to the side and said they were in the conference room signing papers to relinguish their rights to the boys. They had the little girl last sunday, and apparently just want social services to stay away from them and the baby, so signing over the boys is their best way of doing that (this is what the sw (and Ken and I) feel is the reason). The sw said she had not told the parents that we were there, and asked if we wanted to meet them. We told her no, we didn't, unless they wanted to meet us to make sure they went through with the paperwork this time. The sw said they didn't even know we were there, so not to worry about it. So we went ahead with the Perm. meeting...which was us, the sw, her supervisor, and the GAL. They basically went over the plan, which WAS TPR, followed by adoption by the Mosses. The parents DO have 7 business days to change thier mind (they DID follow through and sign everything today)...but, if they don't - we will move to an adoption social worker. The sw said we should start thinking about fun!!! Ken and I agreed not to talk about names until the 7 days is over. Ironically, the seven days is over on Ken's birthday. So we may have a mighty celebration on July 7th! If they do change thier mind, the plan is still to terminate rights, it will just add about 8 months or so to the process. Keep your fingers crossed - and please pray for the boys' baby sister - that she is safe and healthy.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Well, we've had the boys for 9 months now! The length of a regular pregnancy - should we be ready for them yet?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

"Don't Cry Mommy"

It's 100 degress down here (literally) so we took the boys swimming at Ken's parents' house. Opposite of most situations, James is the daredevil and Nathanael is the scared one. Nathanael likes being in the water, but needs to feel very secure that hes' not going to go under.
James, on the other hand is a little water bug with no fear - he did a front flip off the diving board today. He has to wear "floaties", but he's not scared at all.
Taylor loves the water - splashing around. He was in his little baby tube and I looked over and his head was down on the tube, he was out cold...pacifer floating away and all. I took him up to the house for a nap! It was too funny though.
The strangest thing happened with me though. I jumped into the pool, going down to the bottom of the deep end and all of a sudden it felt like my ear had exploded. I got to the top and out and I felt like i was going to vomit. Long story short - I ended up in urgent care and I cracked my eardrum. The pressure was just right to "blow" it out. So, I can't take a shower, swim, or blow my nose for a week. Now it just feels like I have alot of water in my ear. Nathanael was too cute though. I was sitting by the pool crying and he came over and gave me his toy fish to make me feel better.
So....after that saga, we had the boys at home and were playing outside in the waterhose and james got sting by a bee and was screaming bloody murder. Once we got him calmed down, our last resort for water fun in the 100 degree sun was.... BUBBLE BATH!!! Big boy Taylor even got into the fun.