Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sorry, sideways....Here's Nathanael at Deopt Park in downtown Sanford. It's one of the boys' favorite places. He's climbing on the train
When Mimi came to vistg last week, she brought really cool art supplies that the boys thouroughly enjoyed.

This is one of Cooper's favorite spots - sitting on his daddy's foot and getting a horsey ride.
Nathanael has done great at daycare the past 1 1/2 weeks. It could be several things...we've started back brushing him faithfully twice a day. He has a new teacher (we'll see when the newness wears off), we've taken him swimming several times a week - giving him lots of time to get his energy out, he sleeps under "Mimi's snuggly", the weighted blanket my mom got him, which he, just not sure what it is, but we sure are enjoying the good reports from daycare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loving all the pictures! - Sus