Monday, September 14, 2009

The sensory-seeking child

So you spend your evening entertaining and discipling your three little boys. You try to teach them to play nicely, share, be kind, and by the end of the night, you are yelling at them to speak nicely to eachother, don't talk so mean and "god-almighty, if you hit your brother one more time I'm gonna pop your hiney"!!! How exactly is that teaching tolerance? How does one teach 3 toddlers to play nicely? Whether it's a structured activity or a "free" play always seems to result in disciplinary measures...or in some cases, hysterical laughter after they've repeated something you've said. Case in point:
Nathanael: "Mama, I wanna go ride bikes wit you!!! Why can't I go ride my bike wit you?!"
James: "Because Nate-Nate! Mommy's going to lower her blood pressure!"
10 minutes on a bike never felt so good. Even though I was pulling a 31 pound 2 year old behind me. At least he quietly enjoyed the ride!

1 comment:

Kelly Miller said...

That's too cute! Pulling him behind you probably helped you exert more pent up energy/frustration, thereby lowering your blood pressure even more. ;)