Monday, November 26, 2007

4 Pink Eyes

Augh! All three boys + myself have pink eye and strep!! There is so much medicine to try and keep straight and times and dosages and trying to keep sippy cups separated. Thank the good Lord my mother was in town. She helped Ken and I take the whole crew to the doctor. A waiting room with three little ones is seriously rough.

Ken and I need parenting HELP!! We are consistent, we back eachother up, we punish immediately - which consists of going to the corner, or being sent to their room, or having their bike taken away. But if we are not actively engaging them in an activity at every moment, they are instantly in trouble....climbing up on the kitchen stools, climbing up on the coffee table, hitting and biting. It is endless. How do we stop the insanity?!

1 comment:

Tom, Elisabeth, and Eli Galperin said...

I suggest serious beat-downs.

Uncle Tom Galperin