Friday, November 9, 2007


I tell you what, I think James is in the mode of testing us to see how far we'll let him go. Yesterday, he kicked me twice and spit in the car (which we have been over many times). I talked to another foster mom who told me their 'transition' with their foster daughter really took a good year. We're only 2 months into, so I don't feel too bad. Plus, I guess he's still adjusting to daycare and me being at work.

For the most part, I got to have a fun day with James. He had a doctor's appointment, so afterwards I let him run up and down the stairs at the building (he's in love with stairs..?), and then there were wheelchair accessible vans outside, so we stood and watched them ramps go up and down (very cool, apparently). Then we stooped at the hardware store where a foster dad works, so he let James play on a bunch of the equipment.

Later on the in the evening, MawMaw, PawPaw, Heather and Elizabeth came over to play, so Nathanael and Taylor had their fair share of fun.

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