Monday, November 12, 2007

Ten Ways

This is a link to a pdf file that lists 10 ways you can help a child in need of a home. God's calling is different for everyone, and He may reveal to you His calling for you through this website. I'm not saying everyone's calling is to be a foster or adoptive parent, but of course it is close to my heart, and if nothing else, you can always pray for the kids that need homes.

The boys, as wild as they are, are such a blessing to us. Nathanael, with his temper tantroms, is a blessing. He will scream and kick and wail and flail....but another adoptive mom told us how her son did this too. He has post traumatic stress disorder, and she was told to hold on to him during these rants, and rythmically repeat a phrase "it's okay", or "i love you", whatever, even as he fights it. We've done this with Nathanael a couple of times. Yesturday, I held him till my arms ached, rocking back and forth, saying 'it's okay it's okay' for about 15 minutes. His screams eventually turned to weeping, and he went from kicking and flailing to holding me arnound my neck and laying his head on my shoulder. He finally had let it all out and I rocked him in a chair for awhile, and then he got down and played by my feet for awhile. Then it was all over. Does it make me ANGRY at his biologocial parents? Of course! But do I feel BLESSED that God has given ME the opportunity to help change the course of Nathanael's life? Yes!

It's so hard because when Nate is like this, I basically cannot pay attn to Talyor and James, so if there is no other adult around, I have to just let Nate have a fit. Luckily, yesturday, we were over at Ken' s parents, and I was able to spend that time with Nathanael and I hope that he will learn that he can trust us and feel safe with us.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I feel your pain..Louis does this at times and it's very frustrating. I don't know what I wold do if there were 2 more babies to take care of! You guys are doing great though and I'm so happy the boys are with you!