Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lord, grant us the patience...

Nothing major to report...just the same ol routine around the Moss circus. But I tell you what, God must have invented 2 year olds so that for the REST OF THEIR LIFE, you can say to yourself, "well, at least he's not two anymore." Our Nate Reid is precious, oh so precious with his giggles and smiles. We've ruled out deafness, so it's definately a case of "I'm not gonna listen, I don't care if I lose my pride, I will do it MYSELF!!"

On the brighter side of life, Cooper is ALMOST walking. He's taken a few steps here and there, but he gets too excited and starts laughin and falls down. It's too cute! James is starting to learn to trace lines, I'm so proud of him, I didn't realize how hard that is when you're 3. Nathanael is definatley picking up on colors. He gets them right about 75% of the time now. The first time he told me the ball was pink, I practically threw myself on him with hugs and kisses and "mommy is so proud of yous". Everytime any of the boys learns something new, I get so excited! It's amazing how much they learn in such a short time.

So, despite the blonde monster ruling the house, we are all hanging in there. Nathanael makes Cooper laugh so hard. Cooper can be fussing about whatever, and Nate will put his face up to Coop's, and laugh, or scream, or just make a funny face, and Cooper will start belly rolling. Those are the moments to live for.

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