Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Last Visit

Tonight, Ms Reed came to make her last official visit as the boys' social worker. She is now transferring our case to Jim, the adoption social worker. It was a fun visit, the boys love her to death. I had the boys tell them their 'new' names (they are so excited about them!!), and she cried when Nathanael told her his middle name. It was real sweet. Nathanael has self-proclaimed himself "Nate Reid" at daycare. He walks around saying "I Nate Reid I Nate Reid".

I decided I need to start recording some of the funny things the boys say. Here's a recent one...Ken and I had been talking about giving Cooper Tylenol because his teeth were hurting him. So, James has a real big, hard stinky. When he got off the potty and pulled up his shorts, he grabbed his butt and said "my hiney hurts, I need some Tylenol". He said it so matter-of-factly, I had to laugh!

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