Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Get in the Kitchen and Bake Me a Pie

After dinner last night, I was sitting on the floor in the living room, facing James and Nathanael, who were waiting for the Elmo tape to remind. I was trying to chat with them and James said I was in his way, he couldn't see. I told him there was nothing to see bc it was rewinding and just be patient...

My sweet baby James says to me "I want you to go in the kitchen and clean."

Oh, hell no. I didn't know whether to crack up laughing or beat the kid. I calmly stood up, and told him that I was not his maid, and that if he wanted the kitchen clean, he should clean it. He, of course, wanted to watch Elmo and started to cry. Uh-uh. I had that boy load the dishwasher one dish at a time, showing him what direction they should go in. I had him put boxes, etc back in the cupboard, and had him wipe off the dinner table. I thanked him for cleaning, and he asked "now can I watch Elmo?" "Sure" I replied, "but remember, the next time you want the kitchen clean, do it yourself or keep your mouth shut." "Yes, ma'am"

I told Ken about that last night and he just busted out laughing!!! Very funny!

1 comment:

Ken Moss said...

Now if that is not funny I do not know what is. Get in the kitchen and clean woman.