Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just a Nice Night

The weather was great tonight - finally a break from the heat. James suggested we have a picnic for dinner, but we have ants in the yard, so we sat outside on the back porch and had a nice relaxing dinner - no, really - the boys provided a nice relaxing dinner. Then a tractor went by our house and the boys were dying of excitement, so we started walking down to the end of our road so they could see it. Turns out it was a guy who owns land way at the end, so we had a LONG walk, and i was holding Cooper! Man, he's heavy! The boys were so well mannered and said "can I please look at your tractor?" What a difference 11 months can make! I have to pat Ken and I on the no means are we perfect, and we lose our patience, and we let the boys go to bed without brushing their teeth sometimes, andwe let them drink too much chocolate milk, but overall, I think we have perserveared and done a good job at 'civilizing the farrel cats' as Ms Reed put it. They are the most precious babes anyone could ask for.

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