Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I can't beleive it - the boys' SW called us at 8:00 tonight. After 5:01 pm, I thought we wouldn't hear anything. She had good news - her supervisor and manager approved us getting the boys. One hurdle to go! Moore County has to let them place Cumberland Co kids with us. The boys' SW is sending a letter to our SW and cc'ing us stating their intent to place in our home. One other thing holding us up is that the state has not issued our license number, but the boys' SW is going to call about that this week too.

She told me that once Moore Co approves the placement, and we get our number, she will set up a visitation for us with James and Nathanael. Then J&N will be placed with us for 2 weeks before getting Taylor. The SW thought this would be best because J&N are SO hyper and will need to time to get settled in.

Potentially exciting!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!