Saturday, August 11, 2007


The boys' SW said she'd have an email sent by Thursday to our SW and us stating their intentions of placing the boys with us. As of Friday afternoon, no letter. I called and she said she was really sorry that she had not gotten to it yet, she had been really busy, which I can totally understand. A lot of the wiating is overworked social workers!

In the meantime, we are doing things like painting the boys' bedroom (two shades of green - crocadile tears and rolling meadows), and I am refinishing an old credenza (we bougth it a few years ago at a thrift shop for about $20. Ken was using it for files, etc) to be used as a changing table and dresser. The wood was a dark stain. I sanded it down, painted it high gloss white and painted the old brass hardware a shiny, retro silver. I boought a $2.00 chandelier at a thrift shop and spiffed it up with high gloss silver also. It's going to look good once we finish!

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