Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dried Up

The boys' great grandmother (who has been keeping them) called me today to tell me not go get the boys any clothes because she was going to send them. The SW had asked us if we wanted their clothes, and we told her to do whatever would make the grandmother feel the least crappy. The sw said that if she did send the clothes, we would probably want to just box them up, and then if we're going to see the grandmother, put them in one of the outfits so that the g-ma doesn't think that we think we're better than her. Make sense...?

Anyway, while I was on the phone with her, I asked if she wouldn't mind bringing a piece of clothing form each boy to the visitation tomorrow night. We want our dogs to smell them and get used to their scent so that maybe they won't totally go spasctic. She said that was fine, and then added that she had plenty of dirty clothes they'd worn because they don't have any water to wash right now. What!?@?

She said their well dried up. I asked her what she was doing for drinking water and she said the neighbor was letting them come over.

When we hung up, of course I called the sw, who slightly freaked and asked if she could bring the boys to us tonight bc the state can't have kids in custody staying without water or electricity. I told her that was fine, of course ( I have time to stop at Wally World for some diapers and wipes?). Anyway, the sw called me back about an hour later and said her supervisor said it was fine to leave them there because the neighbor is giving them water and they have a plan of getting them out in the near future.

So Ken and I went to the grocery store tonight and bought 4 jugs of water to give her tomorrow night when we see her at visitation. We have to give it to her without the sw around though, bc I don't want g-ma to know I told.

Our first order of business when they come this weekend...a bath. I can just picture a ring of dirt around their socks. I want my babies.

I have to take a quick second to thank God for the life I have, and ask forgiveness for taking things for granted. He is my provider.

1 comment:

Kelly Miller said...

Wow - I guess that's the true impact of a drought ... not brown lawns but dry wells. September can't come soon enough!