Here are the bunk beds. James will sleep on the bottom (we'll put up rails). For now, the top will be vacant. Ken's brother Joe gave these to us, his girls didn't need them anymore.

Toy storage. Elisabeth Galperin was so great to come down this weekend and help me organize!! Too bad I dont have 'before' photos. I had piles of toys and clothes of all sizes and had no clue how to get it all together. She did in one day what would have taken me 3 months! The room looks great now. It's a big room - 15 ft x 15 ft, so plenty of room.

This picture just makes me laugh! Typical "Man Preparing for Baby" shot! Ken was so great in assembling the crib, and toy storage! We're going to try to have Nathanael sleep here. Ken swears he'll climb out. We'll see! We have a Winnie the Pooh bassinet for Taylor.

Painting the bedroom. The top is a light sage green, and the bottom a darker shade of the same. Ken's dad was great to come over and put up chair rail molding. It looks awesome.

We bought this credenza a few years ago for about $20. It was a dark stained wood, and pretty beat up. I sanded it down and painted in a shiny white. We'll use it for a changing table.
This weekend, Ken's parents hit the yard sales before 7 am! They did a fantastic job. They showed up with things for the boys that looked like they'd hardly been touched! A great highchair, enough toys to last a year, including a lot of VTech toys, which are educational, and I am a huge fan of, and TONS of adorable clothes. Honestly, it was probably over $1,000 worth of stuff if it had been bought new. They are the yard sale king and queen. They had fun shopping and we had fun looking through all the toys and clothes!
Tonight (Sunday), the VO girls had a little shower for us. the VO girls are a group of girls that get together for dinner once a month. They are a great source of information, advice, and laughs! They are strong women who support us when we make stupid decisions, and let us cry when we realize we were stupid! I am so thankful for all the support people have given us.
I'm so excited for the visitaiton on Thursday, but I'm nervous too. The SW and the great grandmother will be there - I feel like they'll just be watching us interact with the boys, and I think it'll be kinda akward. But i can't wait to see them!
The nursery looks awesome! Looks like you have alot of stuff already! Tell me what you need (that I have already) and I can plan to get that to you (may take a few trips, unless you bring the minivan :P ) I'm so excited!!
The room is so cute! The boys will love it!!
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